Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Alaska
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Central Virginia
Central Virginia
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Greater Seattle
Western Washington, North Western Oregon
BMDCA Recognized
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Hampton Roads
Southeastern Virginia
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northeastern Illinois
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California
Northern California / North Bay Area
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Oregon
Oregon, Southern Washington
BMDCA Recognized
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southeastern Wisconsin
Wisconsin, Illinois, Northern Indiana
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southern California
Southern California
BMDCA Recognized
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Watchung
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Finger Lakes
Upstate New York (west of NYC), Northern Pennsylvania
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Greater Twin Cities
Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
AKC Licensed
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico
AKC Licensed
Blue Ridge Bernese Mountain Dog Club
North Carolina, South Carolina
BMDCA Recognized
Buckeye Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Central and Southern Ohio
BMDCA Recognized
Chattahoochee Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana
BMDCA Recognized
Grand Canyon State Bernese Mountain Dog Club
AKC Licensed
Heart of Michigan Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Michigan, Indiana
BMDCA Recognized
Heartland Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas
BMDCA Recognized
Inland Northwest Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Washington, Idaho, Montana and northeast Oregon
BMDCA Recognized
Lone Star Bernese Mountain Dog Club
BMDCA Recognized
Mason Dixon Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Pennsylvania, Maryland
AKC Licensed
North Coast Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Ohio
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York
AKC Licensed
Piedmont Bernese Mountain Dog Club of SC
South Carolina, Southern North Carolina
AKC Licensed
Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Maryland, Washington D.C., N Virginia, West Virginia, SW Pennsylvania
AKC Licensed
Sierra West Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Northern California / East & South Bay Area
AKC Licensed
Three Rivers Bernese Mountain Dog Club
West Virginia, New York, Ohio, E Pennsylvania
AKC Licensed