About the BMDCA
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA) was founded in 1968 for the advancement of the Bernese Mountain Dog. The BMDCA is the parent breed club for the Bernese Mountain Dog and is a member of the American Kennel Club. The BMDCA has many Regional Bernese Mountain Dog Clubs that create a network of support for Bernese Mountain Dog owners.
Members include breeders, owners and fanciers who are committed to protecting the health, welfare, and lives of the Bernese Mountain Dog. Regional Clubs offer meetings, matches, Draft Tests, BMDCA Regional Specialties, and educational programs. The BMDCA and Regional Clubs actively support canine health research and provide rescue assistance for Bernese Mountain Dogs through the National Regional Club Rescue and Regional Club programs.
How is the BMDCA organized?
The BMDCA is the licensed parent breed club for the Bernese Mountain Dog and is a member of the American Kennel Club. The BMDCA is governed by a Board of 10 Officers and Directors who are elected by the membership to serve two-year terms.
The BMDCA establishes committees to carry out its work. Some examples of BMDCA committees are Breeder Education, Health, Judges Education, Drafting, Agility, Performance and Recognition.
The BMDCA has many Regional Bernese Mountain Dog clubs that create a network of support to Bernese Mountain Dog owners. Members include breeders, owners and fanciers who are committed to protecting the Bernese Mountain Dog. Regional clubs offer Conformation and Companion Events, meetings, matches, Draft Tests, and educational programs.
Various educational efforts of the BMDCA, including the publication of The Alpenhorn (an award-winning quarterly magazine), cover every aspect of Bernese Mountain Dog ownership. The BMDCA also publishes a comprehensive Information Series covering topics such as "Frequently Asked Questions", "Health" and "Buying Tips". The BMDCA has an active online presence with an extensive of website and regular postings on social media.
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America publishes an annual Yearbook that contain records, pedigrees, and Photos of Top Winners, Top Producers; Versatility and Working Dog Awards; New Titleholders and Advanced Titles; Top Junior Handlers and Top Specialty Awards. The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America honors dogs belonging to BMDCA members who have earned a new title in the past year with a free page in the BMDCA Yearbook featuring the dog.
A monthly newsletter is available to all members and includes new member applicants, open committee positions, board minutes and committee reports.
Showcase Events
National Specialties showcase the Bernese Mountain Dog breed in Conformation, Obedience, and Working Abilities. Held on a yearly basis, the National rotates across the country and is hosted by a Regional Club.
Regional Specialties are smaller than a "National" and are hosted by Regional Clubs annually. They may also offer "Supported Entries" at all-breed shows. Working events, such as Draft, Rally and Obedience, demonstrate the Bernese Mountain Dog's natural abilities as a working dog and are conducted by most Regional clubs on a periodic basis. Find events in your area.
Titles and Awards
Every Berner owned by a BMDCA member who has earned an AKC, BMDCA or AHBA title receives a Title medallion and is eligible for a page in the annual BMDCA Yearbook.