International Relations
The International Relations Committee (IRC) was established to assist the BMDCA in communicating with all international clubs for Bernese Mountain Dogs. Our committee's goals are to improve information sharing between these clubs and the members of the BMDCA and to identify common breed related interests. Some of these topics are: health issues; breed management; legal issues that may affect the importation or exportation of dogs; breed stewardship; and major club events in different countries. An important goal of the committee is to create an environment for cooperation and timely exchange of information between our various alliance members.
Fluent in a foreign language? Willing to function as a translator for the IRC?
Please email the the BMDCA International Relations Chair.
Our first international gathering was held in May 2005, at our National Specialty in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A meeting was held between members of the International Relations Committee, BMDCA Board members and representatives of several foreign clubs who were attending our Specialty. Some topics of common interest were health screenings and differences in breeding practices from country to country. This event was a small step towards increasing communication and the information exchange between the international Berner clubs. Participants in the 2005 Specialty meeting included representatives from eight different countries. From this meeting came many requests for BMDCA members to attend upcoming club functions in other countries.
The BMDCA sponsors an International Relations Committee meeting coinciding with our National Specialty. For further information please contact the BMDCA International Relations Chair.
Please help us:
To obtain our goals and facilitate worldwide communications, the IRC would like to encourage our international Berner community members to identify other Bernese Mountain Dog Clubs; providing background and membership information, website address to the BMDCA International Relations Chair. Please include any upcoming events or shows that might be of interest to our international Berner community. In addition, if you wish to participate in the planning of an upcoming web meeting on global issues related to Bernese Mountain Dogs please contact the BMDCA International Relations Chair.
Cheers! Merci! Gracias! Grazia! Grazie! Arigato! Danke! Dzieki! Hvala!
The decision whether a buyer in the USA should receive one of your puppies is not based on a single factor. Information about many characteristics should be collectively evaluated and a decision made whether the potential buyer shares your goals for your breeding program and for the future of the breed. It is a decision only you can make. Focus on, among other factors, the potential owner's breeding goals (temperament, health, standard), club memberships, breed health knowledge and testing, mentoring relationships, BMD Breeder puppy owners' evaluations, etc. Please do so thoughtfully and carefully with all the information you can.
We sincerely hope you find the information and resources provided in our ADVISORY LETTER which includes tips for EVALUATING THE POTENTIAL US BMD BREEDER OR PUPPY OWNER helpful when considering selling one of your precious puppies to a buyer in the United States.
Also see: BMDCA's Position Statement on cross breeding/mixed breeds.